Mood, weight, activity… and many other characteristics of a person, helping or hindering him in life, as it turns out, are closely related to the level of hormones in the blood, including thyroid hormones.

The thyroid gland is the most important organ responsible for the regulation of metabolism and the work of various body systems.

But what is metabolism and why is it so important

Metabolism is the term used to describe all the chemical reactions involved in keeping cells and organisms functioning. In other words, metabolism is the chemical engine that keeps you alive.

As you understand, proper metabolism is the most important condition for human life. That is, the thyroid gland plays a rather serious role in this context. 

On the surface, it may seem that the thyroid is such a small and insignificant gland, but in fact it can affect almost every process in the body. 

The thyroid gland affects calcium metabolism, so it determines whether bones and joints will deteriorate, whether osteoporosis will appear or not.

In addition, if there are problems with the thyroid gland, they are bound to affect the condition of the skin, it will age much faster.

Thyroid determines how you tolerate heat and cold, what your blood pressure is, how fast or slow the brain, heart, liver and other organs work, how things are with mental balance, and your level of happiness….

But what should you eat to help your thyroid?

One of the superfoods for the thyroid is apple seeds. 

Chewing the seeds of one apple thoroughly is enough to make up for iodine deficiency.

Good to know: Here I cannot but mention the notorious iodized salt. You should know that 24 hours after opening a packet of such salt, there is not a drop of iodine left in it. It evaporates. Therefore, do not hope that thanks to iodized salt you will fill the iodine deficiency. The same can be said about canned seaweed, because you already know how many “useful” components canned food contains.

It is quite another matter if you are lucky enough to purchase dried seaweed. Dried seaweed is sometimes sold in health food stores in sushi kits. The main thing to pay attention to is that it should be fat-free and salt-free. Unfortunately, it has a rather specific flavor, and few people can eat this product in its pure form. 

But there is one trick: add a little diced apple, pomegranate grains, carrots or just a splash of lemon juice to the healthy seaweed, and this product will become simply wonderful.

The thyroid gland is also very fond of seafood and fish, because they are a source of essential omega-3 fatty acids, positively affecting all processes in the body. Regular intake of fish and seafood perfectly replenishes iodine deficiency and improves thyroid function.

But not only fish should be included in your diet, there is another delicious superfood that meets these requirements – chocolate. In particular, dark chocolate with a cocoa content of 70% to 85%. Dark chocolate is a superfood for people with thyroid disorders. Cocoa contains a significant amount of antioxidants that prevent cell damage caused by free radicals in the body as a result of toxins and stress.

A mixture of nuts and honey is an excellent stimulator of thyroid function. In this regard, walnuts and almonds have the most beneficial properties.

Dark leafy greens contain a large number of vitamins necessary for thyroid function. For example, spinach and lettuce take the first place in terms of their health benefits. But why choose some of them when any of the dark leafy vegetables are beneficial? Spinach, kale, broccoli, chard, turnip greens, etc. – are all great sources of iron, B vitamins (essential for hormone production), vitamins A, C and D, magnesium and antioxidants. These superfoods not only provide the thyroid gland with essential nutrients, but also help keep you healthy overall. 

Just as a car engine cannot run without gasoline, the thyroid gland needs fuel to produce thyroid hormones. That fuel is iodine and other beneficial elements found in the superfoods listed above.

Which of these products are present in your diet?

Treat your thyroid gland with your favorite foods, and not only it, but your whole body will thank you a lot.