Do you like bananas? I like them very much. I eat them fresh, but I also add them in smoothies, cakes, fruit salads, cheesecakes, etc.

photo presentationBananas have many benefits, but that's not what I want to write in this letter. In fact, I want to advise you not to rush to throw away the banana peels, because you will be surprised what you can do with them.

Bananas have many benefits, but that's not what I want to write about in this email. In fact, I want to advise you not to rush to throw away the banana peels, because you will be surprised at what you can do with them. 

Banana peels can be used in a variety of life situations, but I'll focus on those related to health.

  • Removal of splinters

Banana peels can help get rid of the splinter if other remedies don't work. You just need to attach the inside of the peel to the area with the splinter. Then fix it in this position for 24 hours. Banana enzymes will not only pull the splinter out of the skin, but also heal the damaged area.

  • Skin care

In traditional medicine, banana peel speeds up scarring, relieves burn pain, fights acne, and helps with certain types of dermatoses, such as psoriasis and eczema. It is also used as a poultice for sunburn. Banana peel also contains minerals and antioxidants that nourish and heal the skin. Rub the inside of a banana peel to moisturize your skin and reduce wrinkles.

  • Removal of warts

photo presentationBanana peels have long been used to remove warts. You need to attach the inside of the peel to the wart and leave it overnight. After several procedures, it will disappear. It usually takes a week to a month to get rid of a boring wart.

  • Fight bruises

Gently rub the banana shell over the damaged part of the skin. This will at least stop the bruise from expanding. Make a banana, pineapple and papaya salad, and you've got a dish with the bromelain enzyme that fights bruising.

  • Hair care

Mixing banana peel with a little water creates a nourishing hair mask that should be kept on the hair for 30 minutes. You can put the peel pieces in a shampoo bottle. Thanks to the resulting product, gray and thin hair will acquire shine and volume at the roots, and will become more elastic.

  • Teeth whitening

photo presentationBanana peels contain many minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese and phosphorus, which are very beneficial for the teeth and act as a brightener on the tooth enamel. You must first brush your teeth, and then rub them for two minutes with the white part of the banana peel. Then brush your teeth again to remove any banana residue. Effective teeth whitening requires repeating this procedure 1-2 times a day.

  • Improving blood composition

It is the banana peel, and not the fruit itself, that greatly helps the body to synthesize white blood cells, which increase the body's overall resistance to infections. The peel can either be mashed in a blender with a little spice and honey, or you can make yourself some banana tea. You need to boil the peel in two glasses of water for 10 minutes, then add spices to taste.

Interesting, isn't it? What did you know about banana peel? If you know of other ways to use it, please let me know.

All the best!