Why does our body need collagen? 

“To look good in old age,” many will say, or “to have elastic skin without wrinkles.” Although we mostly associate it with beauty, collagen is a protein essential for the health and function of connective tissues in the body. It gives shape to the body. Without collagen, the body would look completely different.

Indeed, with age, you can “see” a collagen deficiency: the skin loses elasticity, wrinkles appear, wounds heal more slowly, tendons and ligaments become stiffer. The body begins to lose flexibility and muscle mass decreases. Joint pain or other problems with movement may appear.

But you don't have to wait until old age to think about collagen deficiency. Scientists have long established that natural collagen production begins to decline after the age of twenty, and a well-designed diet will help maintain its balance.

While foods like bone broth, gelatin, and seafood are known to be collagen boosters, there are many plant-based foods that you can include in your diet to support collagen production. Let's see what these foods are!

  • Tomatoes

Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C. In the absence of a diet rich in vitamin C, our body cannot produce collagen optimally. For a better effect on collagen synthesis, fresh tomatoes are suitable, ideally freshly squeezed juice (200-300 ml per day).

  • Bell pepper

Bell pepper allows you to get more vitamin C and not raise blood sugar levels. Vitamin C is found in abundance in red bell peppers. Only 100 grams of red bell pepper represents approximately 150% of the daily dose of vitamin C.

  • Green vegetables

Green vegetables are fraught with special richness. It is chlorophyll that affects the quality of the skin in at least two ways. Firstly, chlorophyll is basically an element involved in collagen repair. Secondly, the same substance is considered a super antioxidant. To maintain health, it is advised to eat 2-3 servings of vegetables per day. To enhance the effect, season vegetables with olive or sesame oil – sources of vitamins A and K.

  • Beans

 Legumes are a protein-rich food that contains a lot of proline and lysine. They are also rich in copper, which is also very useful for collagen production.

  • Soy

Products from soy improve collagen synthesis, as it contains the hormone genistein, which blocks enzymes that accelerate the appearance of signs of aging.

  • Garlic

It is rich in sulfur, taurine and lipoic acid, which help repair damaged collagen fibers. The use of garlic is very diverse, so eat garlic for the benefit of the skin and joints.

  • Seeds

Pumpkin, flax, chia seeds contain fatty acids, zinc, which slows down the rate of protein breakdown. Add 2 tablespoons of seeds to your food every day.

  • Nuts

Nuts contain zinc and copper, which stimulate collagen production. The most useful are cashews, walnuts, pistachios, and almonds. The main thing is not to abuse, as they are high in calories.

  • Avocado

If you are looking for a delicious way to slow down aging, this fruit is the perfect candidate. The composition of the miracle product contains vitamin E, which prevents the breakdown of collagen, and avocado oil helps its production. It is recommended to eat half an avocado a day.

  • Berries

Strawberries, raspberries, cranberries, blackberries contain ellagic acid, which protects collagen from destruction, they also contain vitamin C, which promotes its synthesis. It is recommended to consume about 70 g per day.

  • Citrus

Citrus contain ascorbic acid. Vitamin C is a binder for proline-forming amino acids. This component precedes the formation of collagen. The positive effects of ascorbic acid include protection against harmful toxins. But be careful not to eat more than 2 fruits a day.

Aging is an inevitable process, but at the same time it can be slowed down. A balanced diet will not only strengthen your joints, but also improve the condition of your hair, skin, and nails, and help you save on medications and cosmetic procedures.

All the best!