I have had gray hair for several years now. This fact doesn't bother me at all. I would not have suspected that gray hair is so uncomfortable for some people, until one patient asked me how to restore hair color, that is, get rid of gray hair. Of course, he did not refer to hair dye. It would be too easy: for him and for me. I promised him that I would answer his question, and could not help but keep my word. Now is the right time to do it. I'm sure he will read this email too.

We owe our natural hair color to the pigment melanin. It is produced in melanocytes – special cells in the body. Gray hair appears as a result of violations of melanin synthesis. Here are the main reasons why this happens:

  • Aging processes;
  • Genetic predisposition;
  • Smoking;
  • Some diseases (thyroid gland, for example);
  • Strong stress.

We cannot influence some of the causes of gray hair (this is aging, genetic factors), others can be eliminated on our own (quit smoking), and medicine will help in solving the health problems.

But what about stress?

According to a more recent study, reducing stress levels can restore the color of gray hair.

This was announced by scientists from Columbia University, where a digital technique was developed to study changes in hair pigmentation. With its help, the researchers tracked how the color of individual hairs changed over the course of life, and compared the changes in hair pigmentation with events in a person's life.

Scientists have reaffirmed that gray hair is inextricably linked to stress. But it turned out that in some cases, after the stress level decreased, the hair regained its original color. On average, it took three months for the pigment to recover.

Let's make a conclusion.

The likelihood of premature gray hair formation is directly related to the production of melanin. Sometimes stress, nutritional deficiencies, and other lifestyle factors can cause levels of this substance to decrease. Once these problems are resolved, the hair color will be restored.

But in most cases, age and genetic characteristics are the cause of the formation of gray hair. If the loss of melanin is related to genetics, it is impossible to reverse the process of gray hair formation. In this case, you should think about using hair dyes. Root coloring powders and color correction creams can also help mask the problem.

Natural dyes are a good idea if you want to avoid possible hair damage. These include henna and Indian gooseberries.

On the other hand, you can focus on gray hair and give it a noble look. This idea can be realized with care products. They will not only improve color, but also prevent yellowing and reduce brittleness.

By the way, scientists have found benefit in early gray hair. Researchers believe that early gray hair can be considered a kind of indicator of longevity. It has been proven that in the body of an early graying person, glutathione (a substance that is involved in the secretion of pigment that dyes hair) is directed to other, more important purposes, for example, to protect against cardiovascular and oncological diseases.

I will be a long-liver, and that makes me happy. 

Be happy too!