There is no doubt that the influence of the dentist on our lives is enormous and can be both positive and negative.
A good dentist is one who primarily cares about the health of your teeth, constantly working to improve their condition and prevent disease. But there are also dentists who are more concerned with the “health” of their pockets.

Going to the dentist is stressful in itself, and when the amount in the check suddenly turns out to be much higher than expected, the stress multiplies.
How can you avoid unnecessary manipulation and save yourself from overpaying for treatment?
To avoid being fooled into paying more than you should, pay attention to these 8 Warning Signs when you go to the dentist:
1. The dentist says that you have a lot of decay and that all the old fillings need to be replaced, otherwise things will get really bad.

However, the dentist doesn't give any proof of his words nor provides any arguments. Sometimes the dentist may even threaten that you will end up having many decayed teeth removed.
In such cases, the dentist expects the person to panic and do everything possible to save his teeth
Recommendation: Old fillings should only be replaced if they have lost their seal or are severely damaged. It is also necessary to distinguish between tooth decay and pigmented enamel, which does not need to be treated, no matter how much the doctor tries to convince the patient otherwise.
Ask to see the damage on a monitor or in a mirror. Dark spots and holes that require treatment are usually clearly visible to the naked eye.
2. The dentist says you need your wisdom teeth removed.

Wisdom teeth removal is a gold mine for dentists. It is always a complicated procedure, requiring several shots of anesthesia and long hours of work. So be careful with the dentist who tells you at length that the tooth came out in a “bad” place, is not growing properly, and it is better to remove it before complications arise.
Recommendation: In fact, if the tooth does not hurt and does not sore, you do not need to remove it. And no matter exactly how it grows, if you don't feel any discomfort, then you don't need to remove the tooth. Moreover, it is a painful procedure with frequent complications, and it is performed only if absolutely necessary.
3. Your dentist proposes you a teeth whitening procedure.
No competent dentist will suggest a patient to whiten the teeth. First of all, it is a question of aesthetics, while the doctor should focus primarily on health. Secondly, teeth whitening leads to damage and thinning of enamel, which means that soon you will ask the same doctor for veneers or enamel strengthening. So think a few times about whether you really need it, and whether you can financially afford to fix all the consequences.
4. You are offered the “best” dental implants, but no guarantees.

Dental implants are a touchy subject for many of my patients. It is a very expensive, but at the same time very necessary procedure. In such situations, the doctor can offer two options: a cheap implant and an expensive one. And if you choose the expensive option, remember: these implants come with a lifetime warranty from the manufacturer. If the doctor does not give you this guarantee, it is likely that he is trying to sell a cheap implant under the guise of an expensive one.
Recommendation: Always ask for documentation for such products, including dental crowns.
5. The doctor says that your situation is very bad, and you need to treat a lot of teeth.
And immediately offers a discount if you treat them all at once…
Recommendation: In this case you should not rush. When you are offered a procedure 2-3 times cheaper than its real price, it should cause at least suspicion.
Moreover, if the doctor scares you and insists on immediate treatment without diagnostics, seek a consultation with another doctor.
Let's make some points about what you should do when you go to the dentist:

- Actively participate in the discussion and planning of your treatment. Yes, there are doctors who get pissed off by “annoying” questions from patients. Avoid dealing with such doctors.
- Don't fall for promotions, vouchers, and 75 percent discounts. If a clinic is willing to work almost for free, it means that their services are questionable.
- Read all the papers you sign. Something you do not agree with – demand an explanation.
- Do not ignore the diagnosis and do not hide anything from the doctor. If there are health problems – be honest, otherwise there will be more troubles.
- Try as much as possible to read about the upcoming treatment and at least approximately understand its meaning.
By following at least these tips, you are more likely to have healthy teeth, money saved and dentists who will become your friends.
By the way, while we were talking about teeth whitening… What do you usually do to keep your teeth white? Have you ever tried natural teeth whitening remedies?
I would love to know more about your experiences. I also have some interesting information to share with you, so I will definitely come back to this topic in another email.