I have often come to the conclusion that medicine, however advanced it may be these days, has not yet fully explored the miraculous power of nature.

This fact has both negative and positive aspects. The negative aspect is that there are so many undiscovered or undervalued natural remedies – those miraculous natural cures that have saved many human lives over the centuries…
The positive side is that while the big pharmaceutical companies have little interest in them, we can still benefit from the power of nature at a reasonable price.
In this email, I want to present to you a miraculous tropical plant that has proven over the years to be a powerful remedy against inflammation and can even reduce it by 50%.

It's Pau d'Arco – a large evergreen tree with purple flowers found in South America. In the beginning, local tribes used the wood of this plant to make bows and arrows for hunting. But later they discovered a miracle… pau d'arco can heal!
Pau d'arco has plenty of useful properties, but in this email I would like to highlight 3 of the main ones.
1. I'm going to start with the benefit you read about in the headline, because I think that's a big part of the reason you're reading this right now. Are you dealing with inflammation? Then you'll probably be thrilled to find out that pau d'arco extract suppresses inflammation by at least 50%.
Inflammation, in general, is a perfectly healthy reaction of the body to various aggressive factors. But prolonged inflammation is dangerous; it leads to obesity, cardiovascular disease, cancer, etc.
Some studies have shown that pau d'arco really helps with inflammation. The extract of this plant successfully suppresses the synthesis of pro-inflammatory compounds in tissues named prostaglandins. By counteracting the production of prostaglandins, the tree's bark helps reduce inflammation and pain resulting from osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and prostatic hyperplasia (prostate adenoma) etc.
2. For thousands of years, pau d'arco has been used as an antiviral plant. The range of viruses suppressed by pau d'arco ranges from viruses that cause the common cold to viruses that are life-threatening.
Studies have shown that pau d'arco actively suppresses, kills or stops the growth of several dangerous viruses, including:

– Flu;
– Herpes;
– Polio;
– Vesicular stomatitis;
– Avian myeloblastosis;
– Leukemia;
– Rous sarcoma virus.
The beta-lapachone present in the plant actually suppresses enzymes in viral cells. It directly affects their DNA and RNA synthesis.
3. Very often pau d'arco is noted as the best remedy for the treatment of candida and yeast infections. The most active components of the plant in their treatment are lapachol, H-factors and xylodone.
The growth of yeast infections in the modern era is related to the increasing use of cytotoxic drugs, corticosteroids, antibiotics and immunosuppressants, so the use of H-factors contained in pau d'arco is of fundamental medical importance.

In addition, an interesting observation was made with a fungal nail infection that was completely cured within a few weeks by immersing the affected finger in tea prepared from pau d'arco.
As a preventive measure, pau d'arco is best taken as a tea, one to two cups a day, morning and evening. When taken in this form, it ensures immune system health, prevents colds or flu, maintains intestinal health, and may show other important therapeutic effects, including positive effects on arthritis, pain, localized or widespread infection.
Perhaps you have already used this miraculous plant for medicinal purposes. If so, what was your experience? Was it as effective as you expected?