Not everyone loves broccoli, but probably everyone has heard about the benefits of this variety of cabbage. In case I haven't managed to convince you to introduce this product into your diet so far, let me inform you that scientists have discovered another benefit of broccoli that should definitely convince you to consume it.

Australian scientists have discovered a compound in broccoli that may not only prevent stroke, but also help treat it. 

In a study that lasted about three years, it was proved that broccoli contains a special chemical substance – sulforaphane (SFN), which is able to slow down the sticking of platelets and prevent the formation of blood clots. 

True, science was already well aware of SFN's role in fighting cancerous tumors, as well as its cholesterol-lowering properties. But now researchers have decided to study SFN's potential to prevent strokes.

According to them, about 85% of strokes are caused by blood clots in the brain. Drugs aimed at breaking up these clots only help in 20% of cases, but when combined with a chemical compound found in broccoli, their effectiveness increases.

In the experiments with SFN and tissue plasminogen activator (tPA), drugs used to break up blood clots, the effectiveness reached up to 60%.
In addition, the scientists noted that SFN does not cause bleeding, a common side effect of stroke treatment.

Although the study is in its early stages, the results are very promising. It seems that frequent consumption of broccoli may indeed help reduce the risk of stroke. The team has already stated their intention to continue the study. They have yet to understand exactly how broccoli can influence the development of diseases in the body.

The new findings offer the hope of creating new treatments for strokes and therefore saving millions of lives. And, of course, it's proof that a healthy diet has a significant impact on longevity and quality of life, particularly in helping to maintain heart and vascular health. 

Scientists are confident that their discovery will produce a medical breakthrough in the future.

Whatever the outcome of this study, you certainly shouldn't delay eating broccoli as its benefits are numerous. 

Let me suggest here a few recipes that I prefer, maybe you will find something to your liking.

  • Broccoli stewed with chicken in garlic-coconut sauce 

Ingredients: 500 g chicken filet; salt to taste; ground black pepper to taste; 1 teaspoon smoked paprika; 1 teaspoon ground coriander; 1 teaspoon ground cumin; 2 tablespoons coconut or other vegetable oil; 1 broccoli sprouts; 6-8 garlic cloves; 480 ml coconut milk.

Preparation: Cut the chicken into fairly large pieces. Season them with salt, pepper, paprika, coriander and cumin.

In a frying pan, heat the oil over medium-high heat. Lay out the chicken pieces and fry them for about 5 minutes on each side. Transfer to another container and cover with a lid.

Break the broccoli into small pieces. Chop the garlic, place in the same pan and fry until lightly golden. Pour in the milk, bring to a boil and reduce the heat to low.

Add the chicken and broccoli, stir and cook under a lid for 12-15 minutes.

The meat should be fully cooked and the cabbage should soften. Stir the ingredients periodically. Season to taste with salt and pepper.

  • Frittata with broccoli and tomatoes

Ingredients: whole eggs – 3 pcs; egg whites – 6 pcs; broccoli (cut into florets) – 2 cups, cherry tomatoes (cut into quarters) – 1.25 cups; feta cheese (crumbled) – 0.25 cup; shallots (chopped) – 2 tbsp; olive oil – 1 tsp.

Preparation: Turn on the oven with the “grill” function to preheat. In a bowl, beat all eggs with 1/4 tsp salt and 1/4 tsp pepper. Add cheese, mix, set aside.

In a large frying pan with a flameproof handle, heat the olive oil, add the shallots and broccoli, cook over medium heat, stirring, 8-10 minutes.

Cover the content of the frying pan with the eggs, fry the frittata for a couple minutes.  Then use a spatula to lift the edges of the omelet to allow the liquid to drain under the ruddy crust, and fry for a couple more minutes.

Place the tomato quarters on top of the omelet and place the frittata pan under the preheated grill for 5 minutes. Then remove the pan from the oven, let cool for 5 minutes and you can serve the frittata.

  • Broccoli and avocado sauce

Ingredients: broccoli (medium size) – 1 piece; avocado – 1 piece; arugula – 1 handful; garlic – 3 cloves; peppercorns – 1/3 tsp; coriander seeds – 1/4 tsp; olive oil – 100 ml; soy sauce – 50 ml. 

Preparation: Divide broccoli into florets, cut stems into pieces. Place broccoli in a pot, pour water and cook for 5 minutes. Then drain and cool the broccoli.

Peel and pit the avocado and cut into slices. Chop the garlic randomly. Rinse and dry the arugula.

Place the broccoli, avocado, garlic, mixed peppers, coriander and arugula in a blender bowl and blend until paste-like. Add the oil and soy sauce. Blend all ingredients once again until smooth.

This tasty and healthy snack sauce is perfect for sandwiches or as a dressing for vegetable salads.

As usual, I suggest some simple recipes that won't give you much trouble.

Nevertheless, they are delicious and my family and I like them a lot. 

How about you, do you like broccoli? If not, you should give it another try. It's well worth it.