You all know about the benefits of avocados – the most beloved and popular detox and healthy lifestyle product. But what happens if you start consuming it every day?

The avocado is a rare treasure among fruits: it is rich in healthy nutrients, fats and gives any dish a soft and pleasant texture. But as with any other food in your diet, the principle of balance must come first. Not everything that tastes good, or even is good for you, can be good for your health if you consume a particular product in excessive amounts. However, this is not the case with avocados, because here regularity has only positive aspects.
Consider these 7 important health changes that can happen to your health if you start eating avocados every day:
1. Digestion will improve.
Avocados are high in fiber: a small avocado fruit contains 10 grams, which is almost half of your daily allowance. And fiber is not only essential for proper digestive function, but also helps you stay full longer.
2. Your immune system will become stronger.

Avocados are high in B vitamins, which help fight infections, as well as vitamins C and E, natural antioxidants that prevent cancer. Avocados also contain the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin, which protect against cataracts and yellow spot degeneration.
3. Your sleep will get bette
Magnesium, which is also very high in avocados, is the real secret weapon in the fight against stress. So if you can't sleep or often wake up at night, eat some avocado in the evening in the form of a salad or dressing.
4. Your eyesight will be protected.
Eating an avocado daily can help protect and preserve your eyesight for as long as possible. This exotic fruit is extremely rich in carotenoids, which are essential for vision. Eat an avocado every day to protect your eyes for years to come.
5. Your brain will work better.
How do you keep your brain healthy into old age? That's right, eat avocados. It increases blood flow, which has such an effect on brain function. Avocados protect blood vessels, and thus cognitive abilities. What's more, good blood flow improves memory, well-being and performance.
6. Hormonal balance will improve
Fatty acids play an important role in regulating the functions of the central nervous and reproductive systems. They contribute to the natural balance of hormones. The various neurotransmitters and hormones found in avocados have a beneficial effect on mood.

7. Will keep the prostate gland healthy.
Monounsaturated fatty acids can also significantly reduce the risk of inflammation in the body. Beta-sitosterol protects against prostate disease, it reduces the risk of prostate cancer.
How to eat avocados?
Avocados can be added to the diet to strengthen the body, prolong satiety, prevent disease, and as an additional source of nutrients for weight loss. Avocado dishes involve both using the raw fruit and heat treating it. For example, avocados can be used to make salads, guacamole, sauces, smoothies and homemade mayonnaise. The pulp is added to pastas and cereals, and also baked in the oven with the peel. Avocados go well with fish and seafood, lemon juice, poultry, and most vegetables.
What do you think of the 7 reasons why you should eat avocados every day? There are many more, believe me… It's definitely worth a try!